Despite facing considerable challenges, such as the overturn of Roe v. Wade
, resilient feminists like yourself have played a vital role in achieving historic advancements for equality and justice.
In 2024, we are determined to build upon this momentum, actively advocating for women's rights and lives on multiple fronts. This includes efforts to restore reproductive freedom, combat violence against women, work towards racial justice, and strive for full constitutional equality for all women.
Thanks to the steadfast support of our Feminist Action Network members, we can plan proactively and overcome the challenges ahead in the coming year. With you by our side, we can lead the charge towards justice and equality for all women and girls. Your membership puts you at the forefront of this critical work.
John, we invite you to support our inclusive feminist agenda by joining the Feminist Action Network today. By uniting, our voices are amplified, and we can accomplish great things. Will you add your voice to the movement?
Together, we have the power to shape a brighter future rooted in equity.