Dear Fellow Patriot,
*** URGENT *** *** URGENT ***
*** URGENT ***
They slammed the doors of the
Capitol shut to the public when the Coronavirus panic kicked off.
Staffers in Washington, D.C. are gone and many district offices
are shuttered.
Now the Big Government statists
think they can plunder your taxpayer dollars and not hear about
it from you.
Nancy Pelosi convenes the House this morning at 9:00am -- right
And she plans to ram this spending monstrosity through without so
much as an on-the-record vote.
The so-called "voice vote" could go down as soon as 10:00am
Please, CLICK HERE to locate the
Twitter handles for your members of Congress and demand they STOP
THE THEFT at once!
Contact them on Twitter and tell
them you oppose this $2.2 TRILLION spending monstrosity and that
their plundering of taxpayer dollars is unacceptable!
You see, according to some
experts, $4.25 trillion is the amount of taxpayer funds that big
corporations could receive from the taxpayers if the House passes
the Phase Three Coronavirus spending bill that passed the Senate
late Wednesday night.
Now, supporters of the bill claim
it only gives $500 billion to the big corporations, but $475
billion is going to the Federal Reserve to underwrite "loans" to
big business.
And the Fed has the ability to
use that $475 billion to put YOU on the hook for as much as ten
time that amount in loans to big corporations….
While small businesses and
individuals who are suffering because of the government-imposed
lockdowns get crumbs!
Congress is making no effort to
reduce spending in other lower-priority areas, they are simply
adding the costs of the new spending bill to the national debt!
Thus, guaranteeing greater
economic pain in the future than what we are suffering now.
The House is planning to pass the
bill by voice vote this morning!
Normally in this situation, I
would ask you to call your Representative but because of concerns
over coronavirus most Representatives have been in their
districts and their staffs are working remotely…
So, there may not be anyone
available to answer your phone calls and the answering machine
may be full.
This is not to say you should not
try to call, but you should also try to send them a message on
twitter and Facebook.
Tell them to contact Hose
leadership and demand they make arguments for the members to vote
on the Phase 3 Coronavirus package…
And tell them you expect them to
vote against it.
Tell them no excuses is good
enough to pass this monstrosity without even so much as an
on-the-record vote.
If they really believe it's
justified they should have the courage to put their name on the
line in a recorded vote.
So, use any means you have
Twitter, Facebook, calls, emails to contact your Representative
and tell them to oppose a voice vote and to vote no on the Phase
Three Coronavirus spending bill.
-- Norm
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