From Ben Smith | Catholic Charities USA <>
Subject Be the Hope During This Pandemic
Date March 27, 2020 12:26 PM
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Dear Loyal Supporter

Lent and Easter are times of hope. A time when we look forward to
the Resurrection of Christ and the light at the end of this

Hope can shift, especially when we are faced with difficult
challenges, as we have seen happen to tens or hundreds of thousands
during this pandemic. As we get closer to Holy Week, we are
reminded of why hope is so important.

Holy Week is important because it reminds us, for every Good Friday,
there is a glorious Sunday morning. Whatever your Good Friday is,
if you hold on, the hope of Sunday morning is coming.

Help our agencies be that Sunday morning for the families and
elderly impacted by this pandemic. Help the most vulnerable get
the help they need. 


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Your generosity makes it possible during these difficult times to
serve those in need. Thank you!

Ben Smith | Catholic Charities

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