March 27, 2020
Latest columns
Making me sick
Ronald R. Cherry

March 27, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 27, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Since "climate change" has not ushered in world government, the global health crisis will have to do. Hence, Greta Thunberg has announced it's "extremely likely" she has had coronavirus. She wasn't tested but quickly recovered, she says. Now, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics.... (more)

March 27, 2020
FOX NEWS ? President Trump's approval numbers are as high as they've ever been throughout his presidency as he deals with the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest Gallup poll. The poll shows 60 percent of Americans approve of the president's handling of his actions to combat the virus. That includes 94 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Independents, while just 27 percent of Democrats approve of the president's handling of the outbreak.... (more)

March 27, 2020
YOUTUBE ? President Donald Trump joins 'Hannity' in exclusive interview to breakdown how he is working with Americans to fight coronavirus. (For BitChute back-up video, click here and go to 23:32.)... (more)

March 26, 2020
Initial figures prompted unprecedented virus response
ART MOORE ? The lead author of a dire coronavirus study cited by the White House, Downing Street, and other governments in their decisions to urge or impose unprecendented lockdowns and "social distancing" has drastically revised the estimated death toll of the pandemic in the U.K.... (more)

March 26, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Dr. Anthony Fauci slammed the media's ongoing attempt to "pit" him against President Trump, expressing his desire for that to stop. Appearing on the radio show "Mornings on the Mall" on Tuesday, Dr. Fauci was asked about the growing number of stories that depict an apparent tension between him and President Trump.... (more)

March 26, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? A physician in New York state claims he has used the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and zinc to treat 350 patients for COVID-19 with 100 percent success. In a video posted on YouTube, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said he saw the symptom of shortness of breath resolved within four to six hours, the Gateway Pundit blog reported.... (more)

March 26, 2020
100 percent success rate
VOSIZNEIAS.COM ? Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of Monroe, New York, makes appeal to President Trump on a treatment for the Coronavirus.... (more)

March 26, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Doctors turn to malarial drugs as potential coronavirus treatment; Florida man with coronavirus says drug touted by Trump saved his life.... (more)

March 26, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? For those wondering if U.S. Attorney John Durham's secretive review of the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation will be delayed by the growing coronavirus outbreak in the United States, a new report offered a clue.... (more)

March 26, 2020
Conservatives need to engage in ?story-telling? arts, not just non-fiction and documentaries?as well as create new delivery systems
YOUTUBE ? Nick Searcy is an actor and director with an impressive list of television and film credits, including The West Wing, Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-O, Justified, Days of Thunder, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Fugitive, The Shape of Water, and Moneyball. He has also directed two films: Carolina Low and Gosnell, The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer.... (more)

March 24, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joins Sean Hannity on 'Hannity.'... (more)

March 23, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Now that we're in a de facto Martial Law mode -- a shutdown of entire industries and small businesses, nighttime curfews, social isolation, a run on goods, huge sports events cancelled, a "shelter-in-place" mandate in California, releasing prisoners in New York (God forbid these miscreants get a flu!), Broadway gone dark, and a craven media inciting and delighting in the panic they're causing, it is relevant to ask:... (more)

March 23, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In another Trump-bashing piece in the Washington Post, a professor noted, in passing, that "several Chinese labs participated more than 20 years ago in the human genome project," as if this were a good thing. In fact, the Human Genome Project (HGP) opened the door to a Communist Frankenstein project of human genetic modification and manipulation. The Chinese Reds are the new Nazis.... (more)

March 23, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? "Fear not." ~ God / "No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear." ~ Edmund Burke The Coronavirus panic has now taken on a life of its own. We're all now just passengers on a boat in the middle of storm-tossed sea with little or no power or authority to change its course. We're all just along for the ride, as decisions that have a material affect on our daily lives are being made by people with a lot of power and very imperfect judgment.... (more)

March 23, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? There is a concern of more considerable significance than any of those commonly gleaned from the current coronavirus crisis. It is the possibility that a spiritual message from God could go overlooked.... (more)

March 23, 2020
MICHAEL BRESCIANI ? We like to identify ourselves by eras, generations, and decades, but we can also identify by means of pop or general behaviors. This period of time can only be called the perverted generation.... (more)

March 23, 2020
'Verdict' with Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. John Barrasso (MUST SEE)
YOUTUBE ? Senator Barrasso joins the show to offer a physician's insights on the pandemic panic and what we can expect from Congress in the coming days.... (more)

March 23, 2020
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? There are a lot of known unknowns and paradoxes in these times of uncertainty. Here are a few. 1) Trump is criticized as both "racist" and "xenophobic" in his condemnations of the "Chinese" virus, while he's also criticized for "appeasing" President Xi when he makes friendly references to their coronavirus chats. How can Trump be both?... (more)

March 23, 2020
PATRICK J. BUCHANAN ? "It's a war," says President Donald Trump of his efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic, and likening his role to that of "wartime president." New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo welcomed the president's claim to his commander in chief role in the crisis and his resolve, "The president and I agreed yesterday. . . we're fighting the same war -- and this is a war."... (more)

March 23, 2020
Stanford biophysicist who crunched the numbers predicts the outbreak will result in fewer deaths than many experts have predicted
LA TIMES ? Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, began analyzing the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide in January and correctly calculated that China would get through the worst of its coronavirus outbreak long before many health experts had predicted. Now he foresees a similar outcome in the United States and the rest of the world. While many epidemiologists are warning of months, or even years, of massive social disruption and millions of deaths, Levitt says the data simply don't support such a dire scenario -- especially in areas where reasonable social distancing measures are in place. "What we need is to control the panic," he said. In the grand scheme, "we're going to be fine."... (more)

March 23, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Sometimes, in dark moments like the current coronavirus pandemic, it becomes easy to fall into a pattern of fear and despair. That combination can be just as devastating -- if not more so -- than the actual disease.... (more)

March 23, 2020
WASHINGTON POST ? Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has become the first senator to test positive for the novel coronavirus, his office said Sunday, a development that raises questions about the threat the virus poses to senators' health as they defy warnings about public gatherings.... (more)

March 23, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Pope Francis said on Sunday he will this week deliver an extraordinary "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - and called for worldwide prayer to respond to the coronavirus crisis.... (more)

March 22, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Steve Martin is famous for his hilarious Hollywood career. The actor and comedian is also a passionate musician. Martin recently offered social media users a much-needed break from the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. He took it upon himself to spice up the timeline of his Twitter followers by picking up the banjo and indulging in a brief "banjo balm" in a leafy grove to take them away from the headlines for 78 seconds of pleasant picking.... (more)

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