Hey there, folks! I hate to disturb your weekend, but it was important that I reached out personally. Thanks in advance for taking a moment to read this message.
Early voting has kicked off across Illinois, and folks across the district are making plans to cast their votes in next month’s primary. Unlike my opponents on the other side of the aisle, our team is powered by everyday folks pitching in what they can, when they can, to help us meet the goals we’ve set.
My team let me know that we’re still a bit behind where we’d planned to be. It’s not a huge deal, but that means we’ll either need a few more people to pitch in this month or folks to pitch in a little more than they usually do.
So, will you step up and pitch in today? On average, folks have pitched in less than $20.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
We’re running out of time to close this gap. Next Thursday is our LAST monthly deadline before the March primary, and we really need to make up ground before then.
Thanks again for stepping up today,
— Nikki Budzinski