Friends, we are thrilled to see an explosion of hundreds of new Activists and Leaders joining the movement this year and we want to help each of you to make a difference with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.Our Survey Shows:
Today we are going to change that! New Digital Activism Campaign Model for the Modern EraAct for America has transformed and perfected digital activism through our ACT NOW platform. Whether you are an Act for America chapter leader, a like-minded group leader, a member of local groups, or operate solo, we now invite you to join in on our Digital Campaigns to make a big impact with the least amount of time and effort. Act for America is RESULTS BASED, and everything we do is designed to reach hearts and minds and mobilize them. We are putting Americans back in the driver’s seat where reaching your lawmakers takes only a minute out of your day! Whether you are a new or longtime member, a follower, a solo activist, or a chapter leader, Act for America has built the most powerful policy and cultural impact campaign tool designed to amplify and multiply your voice, the voice of the people. So, we want to take the time to welcome you and thank you for trusting and supporting Act for America and ensure all our members are aware of how to plug into our Act for America community! Becoming a Digital Activist CampaignerAct for America’s Movement has achieved 168 million real direct-to-lawmaker actions!
Getting involved and making a difference has NEVER been easier!
You have limitless opportunities to Act!The Power of Grassroots NumbersBy creating a digital campaign network you can engage folks in ever-increasing numbers, multiply your effort, and secure better, faster outcomes through the power of numbers! Follow our lead below. FOLLOW US on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Rumble, and YouTube. Share to your home page and ask your followers to do the same. SHARE Content and post to your social media platforms right here on Substack or visit our Email Archives Here». We highly recommend the Substack App for easy following and sharing without worry of missing an email; paid members unlock comments to allow for more community dialogue and feedback. MEME Away! Find compelling MEMEs combined with ACT NOW Campaigns to capture a viral audience. *Twitter is considered the #1 platform to influence policy and election outcomes, *50% of Americans aged 50 and under get their news primarily on TikTok! Chapter and Group Leaders: Join the Movement, Be the Movement!
Support Our Work! Consider becoming a sustaining member. Whether it’s $5 or $500 a month, it makes a significant difference in providing dedicated resources and materials that support our work, our movement, our training, and resources, and determines the size and scope of the state and federal battles we fight.
Together, We Act for America and Save America! Welcome Aboard!Subscribe to Substack Today! For the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month, you can help us stop the Marxist march into oblivion! Free Autographed Copy of NY Times Best Seller “Because They Hate” with your annual subscription while supplies last. You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |