Today's verdict is the culmination of our movement's decades-long fight to expose the gun lobby.


A jury just found the NRA liable for mismanagement and its executives liable for improperly diverting funds from the non-profit to benefit themselves.This includes former CEO Wayne LaPierre, who resigned just days before the trial began.

We're just two months into 2024, and the NRA has already managed to lose this trial, their longtime leader, and whatever political relevance it had left. Today's verdict is the culmination of our movement's decades-long fight to expose the destruction the NRA caused in our communities.

Some of the shadiest financial transactions that came to light during the trial include over $10 million for private jets, helicopter rides to bypass traffic, yacht trips with vendors, expensive gifts, suits, and black car services.

The NRA's legacy will be one of corruption, destruction, and moral bankruptcy.

You helped us take down the NRA. But the truth is: there's a handful of gun industry-backed groups waiting to fill the dangerous void left in the NRA's absence. And each year, gun companies continue to rake in huge profits, all while our communities reel from the devastation caused by their weapons. So now, we're taking on the gun industry: Sign the petition to join us.


We know that a weak NRA means a vulnerable gun industry. For the last 30 years, the NRA has functioned as the gun industry's suit of armor: One that was big enough to hide the corporations that profited from the NRA's agenda, and intimidating enough to keep Washington lawmakers in line.

But now, there are big cracks in their armor—which means the time is ripe to call them out for profiting off of our gun violence crisis. Join our movement: Add your name to hold the gun industry accountable.

Because sidelining the NRA was never our final goal. Our final goal is creating a future free from the horrors of gun violence.

Thanks for being in this movement,

Nick Suplina
Senior Vice President, Law & Policy
Everytown for Gun Safety