For Immediate Release: February 23, 2024 Contact: Grace Hoge [email protected]
ICYMI: Statewide Polls Show Majority of GOP Voters Support Medicaid Expansion
KEY QUOTE: “Steve Baccus, an Ottawa County farmer and former president of Kansas Farm Bureau, said in a news release announcing the poll results that expanding Medicaid was about 'investing in the well-being of our communities.'”
The Kansas Sunflower Foundation on Thursday released findings from two surveys conducted in November that show broad support for Medicaid expansion. The surveys found that 68% of Kansas voters, including 51% of Republicans, and 83% of small business owners support Medicaid expansion.
“Our rural communities are often struggling to keep Main Street open and to continue to offer the necessary services to the surrounding agricultural enterprises,” [Steve] Baccus said. “A community that can offer a total health care package has an advantage in maintaining a viable town.”
The Kansas Health Institute on Thursday unveiled its analysis of Gov. Laura Kelly’s proposal to expand Medicaid, predicting 152,000 Kansans would enroll in the first year with no additional cost to the state government.
[Governor] Kelly’s proposal includes a work requirement with exceptions for full-time students, veterans, caregivers, people with partial disabilities, and former foster kids. Her plan also would add a new surcharge for hospitals. KHI predicts the change in income eligibility would result in 151,898 people enrolling in KanCare — 106,450 adults and 45,448 children. Those numbers include 68,236 adults and 16,377 children who are currently uninsured.
