The defense of Ukraine is critical to our own National Security, but this is about more than that.


John, tomorrow marks two years since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The defense of Ukraine will save lives. It will uphold a democratic government. And it will push back against Putin's imperialist aims.

But much more than that, it will stop a war from spreading into Europe – from hitting our NATO allies – which may trigger our agreement to come to their defense, if attacked, just as they came to our defense on 9/11.

In short, helping Ukraine now is the best thing we can do to avoid US Troops being called to fight and die in a new war in Europe.

We’re doing whatever we can, wherever we can to get aid for Ukraine across the finish line in Congress.

One thing you can do to help is to continue escalating pressure on the GOP, especially in the House, to deliver that aid.

Please, if you care about helping Ukraine, add your name here and tell the GOP to send Ukraine the help they need to defend their country.


Thank you,

The team at VoteVets



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