Friend, as soon as I shook Rick Scott's hand, I knew that he wasn’t in this for Florida families. Let me explain.
Back when he was running for governor the very first time, I got the chance to meet Rick Scott. Now, I wasn't a fan of his policies, but I tried my best to give him a fair chance — after all, I'd never write off someone just because of their political party.
But as soon as I met him face to face and shook his hand, I knew that he couldn’t care less about the people of Florida — trust me, if you've ever met him, you know exactly what I'm talking about. He lacks almost all empathy. Everything he does is about himself — increasing his wealth, increasing his power, and advancing his far-right agenda.
You don't have to just take it from me. His record more than speaks for itself.
Rick Scott made his fortune overseeing a massive Medicare fraud scheme. Somehow he managed to get off scot-free. Then, he used his massive fortune to buy his way into politics.
Rick Scott has spent his entire time in public service lying to Americans. He lied about the 2020 election. He lied about his position on abortion. He lied about my record. And all the while, he's pushed policies to hurt the most hardworking and vulnerable Americans. He tried to raise taxes on working families. He wrote the plan to end Medicare and Social Security for our seniors. He even said he would repeal And throughout it all, he's gotten even richer.
My story is different. I came to America from Ecuador at 14 years old. My mom worked double shifts to make ends meet, and I picked up shifts at a doughnut shop to help out. I studied hard to win scholarships and put myself through college. After school, I dedicated my life to giving back to my community and my country, working at nonprofits across Florida and serving in Congress.
My life has always been about service to others. Rick Scott's life is about service to himself. That's why I'm running for Senate to give Florida the leadership we deserve. Please, will you rush $5 before midnight to help me defeat this extremist and save our Senate majority? Polling data shows a tied race, so every single dollar helps.
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Thank you so much,
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell