Some welcome news today.

The IRS just announced that it will begin cracking down on fraudulent deductions for personal use — by executives, board members, wealthy shareholders, and the like — of corporate jets.

Now, billionaires and Big Business have of course found many ways to exploit (that’s putting it mildly) our nation’s byzantine tax laws, which are heavily biased in their favor in the first place.

(And they have been getting away with it for so long in part because their political puppets in the Republican Party keep slashing the IRS’s budget for going after wealthy tax cheats.)

So targeting Corporate America’s precious jet deductions may sound like small potatoes.


According to IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel, deductions for a single corporate jet can run into the tens of millions of dollars. And there are more than 10,000 such aircraft operating in the U.S.!

We’re talking about a significant amount of money being clawed back and a major step toward making billionaires and Big Business pay their fair freaking share.

Tell IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel:

Thank you for taking on bogus tax deductions for personal use of corporate jets. Please don’t beat around any bushes here — claw back every penny of improper deductions from as many Big Business tax cheats as you can.

Click to add your name now.

Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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