Also in this Issue: Black Heritage Birding Trails | Birds That Mate for Life
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Birds bring us happiness in so many ways. Whether you're looking for a lift or just in need of a distraction, enjoy this birdy care package, sent monthly from us to you.
National Audubon Society
The Joy of Birds | February 2024
Photos from left: Red-breasted Nuthatch, House Finches, Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal.
Which Birds Like What Seeds?
Before U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service scientist Aelred “Al” Geis conducted groundbreaking research on seed and food preferences among wild birds, the ingredients of commercial birdseed mixes were largely chosen as a matter of custom, lore, and convenience. Thanks to the effort of Geis and researcher David Horn’s Project Wildbird, we now have the most comprehensive study of avian food and feeder preferences ever conducted. To attract the birds you love, find out the favorite foods for a variety of feeder regulars and rarities. Keep reading
Photos from left: Red-breasted Nuthatch, Betsy Bass/Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC); House Finches, Jennifer Lint/GBBC; Blue Jay, Nancy Tully/GBBC; Northern Cardinal, Laura Stafford/Audubon Photography Awards
Eastern Screech-Owl.
How Do Birds Cope With Cold Weather?
Birds are incredibly resourceful in the face of severe winter weather. While we cozy up with hot chocolate during snow days, you may wonder how your feathered friends fare when temperatures plummet. Here are seven fascinating strategies birds use to stay toasty and energized. Learn more
Eastern Screech-Owl. Photo: Michael Cassella/Audubon Photography Awards
Alex Green, owner of Harriet Tubman Tours, leading a Birding the Harriet Tubman Byway in spring 2023, co-hosted by Patterson Park Audubon Center.
Explore Black History at These Birding Spots
Natural history and Black history are intertwined at three southern birding destinations. Learn more about these standout tours, festivals, and trails. Keep reading
Alex Green, owner of Harriet Tubman Tours, leading a Birding the Harriet Tubman Byway in spring 2023, co-hosted by Patterson Park Audubon Center. Photo: Jared Soares
Black Vultures.
8 Birds That Mate for Life
Valentine’s Day may be over, but love is still in the air for these eight birds. Did you know more than 95 percent of avian species are monogamous? Turns out, birds are among the most loyal members of the animal kingdom. Learn more about courtship displays and relationship habits of eight faithful birds. Keep reading
Black Vultures. Photo: Susan Murray/Audubon Photography Awards
Eastern Kingbirds.
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Eastern Kingbirds. Photo: Xianwei Zeng/Audubon Photography Awards
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