Justice Democrats


Remember when progressive Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American member of Congress, was formally censured for expressing support for Palestinian human rights?

Well, this week, Republican Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee made an *actually* violent and genocidal comment when asked about innocent Palestinian children being killed in Gaza: “We should kill them all.”

It’s absolutely disgusting for a sitting Congressmember to speak of innocent people, especially children, this way. And yet, he hasn’t been censured. The statement has barely even made news in mainstream media outlets.

Ogles made this horrific call for mass murder on the same day that the U.S. once again cast the sole vote against a United Nations resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as the civilian casualty count grows day by day.

All of this further goes to show that we cannot lose the voices of courageous, pro-peace leaders like Rashida and the rest of the Squad in Congress — but AIPAC and its GOP donors are working harder than ever to unseat them in this year’s primary elections that begin in April.

Justice Democrats is committed to re-electing the Squad and defending our young, diverse, working-class bloc of progressives in Congress — but we don’t have millions of dollars from corporate special interests and billionaires like AIPAC does. We have you.

If you can afford to, will you pitch in $3 or more today to directly support our work to protect Justice Democrats incumbents and keep up our collective fight for peace?

Contribute $3

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats


Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time.

There are other ways to make an impact in support of peace and equality in Israel and Palestine: please urge your member of Congress to support a ceasefire through Adalah Justice Project’s petition or by calling them using Jewish Voice for Peace’s dialer here. Your voice matters in this critical moment.