Hi Friend,  

Just pause and look around right now. Despite these hard and uncertain times, you will see the best of humanity and the American spirit. 

You’ll see neighbors helping neighbors, medical staff sacrificing their own health to keep us well, and delivery workers working overtime to bring us our orders. You’ll see inventors and entrepreneurs using their ingenuity to produce much-needed tests and supplies. And you’ll see business leaders paying salaries for those without jobs right now, and so much more.

Trials and tragedies have a way of bringing us together. And after the bitterness and division of the past few years, it’s refreshing to see people remember what’s most important: 

We are #InThisTogether.

We asked you to send us stories that inspired you from COVID-19, and we were blown away by the number of submissions. Here are some of the stories we’ve received:
You can see more stories here

Let’s keep the positivity going and growing. 

Submit a story and/or a picture of an inspiring act you’ve seen throughout this tough time. Then, share this campaign.

There’s no story that’s too small, no deed that’s too big.

Thank you, and stay safe.

Heather R. Higgins
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