Dear Friends,
It is almost surreal how the Covid-19 virus has changed our world within the span of just a few weeks.
Here at the Wild Salmon Center, as everywhere, our collective health is our most important priority. We are taking all precautions to keep our staff and partners well by suspending travel and working from home. We are deploying new digital tools to keep in touch. And we are in communication with our partner organizations in the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Alaska, and the Russian Far East, assuring them that we are behind them as we all weather this storm.
Even as we all hunker down, know that we keep our mission to protect wild rivers and wild fish in front of us. It’s an inspiration, a reminder of our long-lasting commitment to the places we love and cherish, and a way to keep us all busy and connected through uncertain times.
As health and social distancing allow, I encourage you to spend some time outdoors, preferably streamside, feel the warmth of spring, and reconnect with our favorite species.
All my very best,