Friend – Will you watch President Biden’s State of the Union address?

Will you watch President Biden's State of the Union?
Yes, I will be watching! >>
No, I will not watch >>
Unsure >>

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On Thursday, March 7th, President Biden will deliver his third State of the Union address to the American people.

With Republicans desperate to destroy his presidency, this is an opportunity for Biden to showcase all of the amazing work he has done over the past three years.

So we need to make sure MILLIONS of Democrats across the nation are supporting President Biden and encouraging their friends and families to tune in to the State of the Union.

Please show your support for President Biden and confirm that you will be tuning in to his State of the Union address on March 7th >>>

Will you watch President Biden’s State of the Union address?

Yes, I will be watching! >>
No, I will not watch >>
Unsure >>
Confirmation Needed
President Biden is counting on us.

Democratic Victory Project
Paid for by March On PAC
Copyright 2024 March On PAC
9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

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