Did you get a chance to read the previous email?
Under public pressure from people like you, Democrats have finally agreed to hearings on three of the six citizen initiatives sponsored by “Let’s Go Washington.” Ahead of those hearings on Feb 27th and 28th, supporters have planned an important opportunity to make their voices heard!
Please consider joining Let’s Go Washington supporters for a rally TOMORROW at noon on the Capitol Building steps.
If you plan on attending, we want to hear about your experience at the rally! Send your photos from the rally to [email protected] – we may feature your photo in our weekly Sunday email!
Make no mistake, Democrats have only agreed to hear three of the initiatives after facing intense public pressure. We here at Shift WA work hard to ensure that the public stays informed about what’s really going on in Olympia for just this reason!
We need your help to keep going – our efforts depend entirely on the contribution of grassroots supporters like you. Please consider contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team
Democrats have agreed to only hear three of the six initiatives on February 27th and 28th. Unfortunately, their constitutional duty remains unfulfilled for the other three initiatives.

As you likely know, the Secretary of State officially certified signatures for all six “Let's Go Washington” initiatives to the legislature back in January. However, despite that certification, majority Democrats have neglected their constitutional duty to allow all six initiatives to be heard and acted on for weeks now.

Thanks to persistent pressure from the public (and Republican lawmakers), Democrats have finally agreed to hear three of the initiatives on February 27th and 28th. The initiatives to be discussed include I-2113 (allowing police pursuits), I-2111 (banning all future income taxes), and I-2081 (ensuring parental rights in K-12 education).

Unfortunately, the Democrats’ constitutional duty remains unfulfilled for the other three initiatives, including I-2117 (repealing the carbon tax), I-2124 (allowing employees to opt out of the state-run long-term care tax), and I-2109 (repealing the state income tax on capital gains). The Democrats don’t want to hear from the voters on these three initiatives, but citizens will have the opportunity to voice their opinions on all six this November.

To highlight public support for hearings for all the Let's Go Washington initiatives, an Olympia rally is scheduled this Friday, February 23rd, at noon on the Capitol Building steps.

We encourage you to attend and make your voice heard.

For those planning to join, Shift WA would love to see your experience at the rally. Please email us your photos from Friday to [email protected]. We may feature your photo in our weekly Sunday email!

Thank you for your ongoing support,

The Shift WA team