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Dear John,

Did you know ranked choice voting (RCV) is used at the Oscars? The Academy Awards is a fun annual showcase of the power of RCV – and a reminder that this reform works for more than just public elections.

On Thursday, February 29 at 4 p.m. eastern, join us for a special webinar to learn about RCV at the Oscars!

We’ll be talking with Tom Oyer, who spent 16 years at the Academy in a variety of roles – most recently as senior vice president of member relations and awards. Tom played a critical role in modernizing the Academy’s voting processes, including expanding the use of proportional RCV!

You can register for the webinar HERE. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join.

Hope you can join us!
Deb Otis,
FairVote Director of Research and Policy

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