From Montana Alert <[email protected]>
Subject Senator Jon Tester
Date February 22, 2024 7:33 PM
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John: Montana Senator Jon Tester is one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection this November.

With Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate in the race and millions of dollars flooding into the state, he will need this team’s support to win reelection and continue fighting for working-class families in the Senate.

Give $10 so we have the resources to reelect vulnerable Dems like Jon Tester as they fight against the GOP’s attacks >> [[link removed]]

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This is alarming, John:

National Republicans have reserved more than $50 million for ads in Montana’s Senate race — making it one of their largest early investments in a battleground state.

Our Senate majority hinges on Montana, which is why Republicans are pouring in millions of dollars to unseat Jon Tester.

Give $10 now to help us combat the massive GOP spending against our Senate Democrats, invest in key battleground states like Montana, and Defend the Senate >> [[link removed]]

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Thank you,

— Defend the Senate

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