"Speech is a right !
- not a privilege granted by Belfast City Council"
Hi John,

We are set to intensify our "Protect Free Speech" Campaign in the final week before the end of the Public Consultation on the new byelaws proposed by Belfast City Council to ban our Pro-Life Street Outreach. There are only 12 days left to respond. It's vital that we urge as many people as possible to speak out against this attack on the fundamental rights to religious liberty and free speech. 

If you haven't yet made your response, we urge you to respond NOW and voice your opposition to these draconian laws. Your voice matters, and together, we can defend the rights of the unborn by upholding the principles of religious liberty and free speech. The Consultation is open to everyone, even those who do not live in Belfast. So, if you have family or friends - even in other countries - who have ever visited or may potentially plan to visit Belfast, please encourage them to respond. The Consultation ends on Monday 4th March at 5pm.

The proposals for these draconian byelaws include:

- Imposing a fee on any person or group wishing to set up a stall with free information leaflets or speak in a public place with amplification equipment.

- Issuing permits only to those whose activity is "approved" by the Council.

- Enforcing compliance with the Council's "conditions" for permit holders, with the threat of refusal or revocation.

- Levying fines of £500  on anyone setting up an Information Stall or using amplification equipment without a permit.

With your help and support, our 'Protect Free Speech' Campaign has been actively opposing this blatant attack on freedom of speech. While the Council are deviously claiming the new bye-laws are to tackle a so-called noise nuisance, we have exposed their lies and warned the people of Northern Ireland that the Council's real objective is to remove Christians and pro-life groups from the streets of Belfast.

Given that members of Belfast City Council have openly stated their opposition to Street Preachers and our Street Outreach, the anti-Christian and pro-abortion members of the Council plan to use their byelaws to ensure no permits for Christian or pro-life activities will be "approved". Anyone who tries to publicly preach the Gospel or share the pro-life message without a 'council-approved permit' will be slapped with £500 fines. This is how the Council plan to effectively ban street preachers and pro-life stalls from the city centre.  

And if these laws are passed by Belfast City Council, it will set a dangerous precedent, encouraging other councils and public authorities to ban our Street Outreach from other towns and cities across Northern Ireland.

The rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights – both protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act. Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act also places a statutory obligation on Public Authorities to carry out their functions with due regard and respect to different political opinions and religious beliefs. And the proposals breach the Good Friday Agreement, which safeguards civil rights and religious liberties of everyone in Northern Ireland, in particular, the rights to freedom and expression of religion. But all these fundamental rights have been completely ignored by the hypocrites in the Alliance Party, Green Party, PeopleBeforeProfit, SDLP and Sinn Fein.

We will be out again in Belfast City Centre this Saturday, distributing more of our ‘Protect Free Speech’ Campaign leaflets.. We will  encourage more people to respond to the consultation and make their voice heard. It is of utmost importance that we send an unequivocal message to Belfast City Council that the rights to religious liberty and free speech are non-negotiable and must be respected and protected.

Our Guidance on the Consultation can be found on our Protect Free Speech Campaign webpage HERE...

We have already distributed thousands of our Campaign Leaflets and will need to order another batch for this final week of the Campaign. If you can help us, please hit the DONATE button below. Thank you.

It is vitally important that we protect free speech so that we can continue PROTECTING THE BABIES!

You can also help by joining us for an hour on Saturday at our Street Outreach. Or come along to one of our peaceful Pro-Life Vigils at the abortion centres. Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

The Precious Life Communications Team
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