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Dear John,
Start Early has long partnered across states and communities to shape, study, advocate for and enact early childhood programs, research and policies that support young children and their families.
Over the past year, we have engaged people from the broad early childhood ecosystem to develop our first-ever research and policy agenda. Families and staff across home visiting, Early Head Start and Head Start, child care, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education programs, and the Educare Network identified critical federal policies that could best support their families and could ensure all young children thrive.
We thank everyone who contributed to conversations, responded to surveys, and provided rich, valuable information about the issues that matter most to you. We are so proud to share the culmination of this effort: Shaping Futures Together: An Early Childhood Research & Policy Agenda. |
A humble thank you to those who shared your stories and lived experiences for the benefit of the greater good. Our collective power exists because of you.
We know that progress requires deep commitment, strong partnerships and orchestrated action. It will take all of us working together to shape the futures of the next generation. We invite you to help make these agenda priorities a reality for children and families across the country. Within the agenda, there are specifics for how to use your voice and encourage others to do the same.
Together, we will shape a brighter future for all of us. |

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