Fellow Patriot, The
establishment campaign consultants in BOTH parties have fired off message after message . . . all on the same topic in recent days.
None of them asking what's right or wrong, or what’s good or bad for the country.
But instead what they think will help them seize as much power as possible over our
economy, our lives, and our freedoms while still ensuring their
Washington, D.C. “Swamp” bosses get elected and reelected. Clearly, their bosses have bought in --
money is being thrown everywhere under the guise of addressing the coronavirus. After concluding their
"negotiations," the U.S. Senate rammed through their massive $2.2 TRILLION bailout bill in the dark last night.
The "good" news is, they managed to slash what the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts will get for "cleaning costs" from $35
million to a mere $25 million. The bad news is it's a $2.2 TRILLION spending monstrosity.
Now Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy's minions in the U.S. House are dead set on BUYING OFF the social welfare crowd,
showering their cronies in the global financial elite with our taxpayer dollars, and handing the statists MORE power. Then, they’ll just drag out the suffering of everyday Americans while claiming they're America’s saviors . . .
or would be if only they could seize MORE “emergency powers.” Fellow Patriot, you and I
both know “emergency powers” means free-for-all to the statists and profiteers. With
much of the nation ready to lap up whatever comes out of the authoritarians’ mouths, they’ve sought a torrent of “emergency
powers” since this outbreak began. The fact is, they’re just getting started with
restrictions on travel, shuttering businesses deemed “non-essential,” or effectively prohibiting religious
gatherings. So, it’s up to liberty-loving Americans like you and me to yell
“ENOUGH!” I’m gravely concerned liberty and prosperity will become distant
memories under the PERMANENT EMERGENCY STATE growing before our eyes.
After all, as House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) stated, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit
our vision.” That’s why I’m counting on each and every Campaign
for Liberty supporter to help me FIGHT BACK! Here’s what I need you to do: First, please sign your emergency END THE POWERGRABS
petition right away. Then, forward this message to all
of your friends, family, and coworkers and urge them to sign the petition as well. America will
not last long if we don’t stand up to those who would attack our freedoms.
That’s why I need a surge of liberty-loving Americans standing alongside me to DEMAND they stop.
From PRICE CONTROLS making goods scarce . . . to de facto NATIONALIZATION OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY
via the Fed’s trillions in asset purchases. . . To getting the camel’s nose under the
tent on a DIGITAL FIAT CURRENCY, finishing off the last vestiges financial privacy . . . even
INDEFINITE DETENTION, so federal agents can lock up U.S. citizens without trial -- nothing is off the table.
Fellow Patriot, such blatantly unconstitutional power grabs have topped the Big Government statists’ wish
lists for years! And they’ll consolidate more power and more perks for themselves and their
well-connected cronies for as long as Americans are gripped in fear and panic over the coronavirus chaos.
Just look at Nancy Pelosi’s latest stimulus proposals that included everything from goodies for union bosses, to
massive Green New Deal-style regulations, to even resurrection of the "Obamaphone" program --
coronavirus legislation looks like the best Christmas ever for the social welfare crowd.
Meanwhile, you and me lose more of our liberties and it gets harder and harder for everyday Americans to provide for ourselves and our families.
The statists and authoritarians aren’t really hiding their thirst for TOTAL GOVERNMENT POWER over
our economy, our lives, and our freedoms.
We’ve got to make it 100% clear -- NOTHING gives them license to trample our liberties and plunder
our dollars with these unvarnished power grabs (or any others). That’s why I’m
counting on every Campaign for Liberty supporter to sign the emergency END THE POWERGRABS
petition I’ve prepared for you right away. But please don’t stop
there. Forward this message to all of your friends, family, and coworkers and urge them to sign
the petition as well. Then please agree to chip in with a generous contribution of $10,
$25, or even more if you possibly can, to help Campaign for Liberty reclaim the republic and restore our constitutional freedoms. Please act at once. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. The talking heads and politicians in BOTH parties are telling Americans it will save us all from coronavirus.
But make no mistake, their $2.2 TRILLION -- and growing -- spending monstrosity is really all about BUYING OFF the social
welfare crowd, showering their cronies in the global financial elite with our taxpayer dollars, and handing the statists MORE
power. Our rights and the purchasing power of our dollars aren't simply eroding
during this coronavirus crisis, they are being taken out to sea in the wake of a tsunami of “emergency powers” from our
government! It’s up to liberty-loving Americans like you and me to end this
madness, and I need all hands on deck. So please sign the emergency END THE POWERGRABS
petition, share this message as widely as possible, and chip in $10, $25, or even more if you
can to help C4L put an end to these power grabs.
Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound
money, and a constitutional foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for