Join us so we can change the system together


The scenes in Parliament last night are beyond disappointing – they are heartbreaking.

this gravest of issues our elected representatives embroiled themselves in party politics and childish positioning.

It's reminded me again of the critical need for more Green MPs this year. A team that will do politics differently, that will do grown up politics.

I know that our four target candidates Siân, Carla, Adrian and Ellie will always put democracy first.

A team of Greens in Parliament will be a change for the better, working in the interest of their constituents and for people and planet.

But, to get them there we need you. Will you join us?

With you, we will be that extra step further in creating a fairer, greener Parliament for all.

In hope,

Mary Clegg
Chief Executive
The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ