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Dear John,

The spread of the coronavirus is impacting every single part of American life, and we've already seen devastating consequences, from loss of life to historic economic turmoil. Now more than ever, the American people need the federal government to step up, and thankfully, after several days of intense negotiations, last night the Senate finally passed the largest relief bill in American history with unanimous, bipartisan support. Let me be clear: this bill isn't perfect, but it's a big, important step to help our country weather this storm.

From the start, Democrats measured every economic relief proposal on how it will impact the workers and working families of America. We want our communities and our economy back to full strength as soon as possible, and this relief package will help put us on that path.

We also focused on sending desperately needed resources like personal protective equipment, gloves, masks, ventilators, and test kits to the hospitals and health care workers on the front lines. We fought to strengthen unemployment insurance so no one goes into financial ruin because of this crisis. We fought for critical funding for small businesses while ensuring accountability and transparency for large corporations. We fought to protect our elections, support local governments, and provide millions of Americans with direct cash payments.

The impacts of these public health and economic crises will be felt not just in the weeks ahead, but in the months and years to come. That's why the measures in this package were worth fighting for until we got it right. I'm confident the House will now move quickly to pass this bill and get it to the President's desk to become law this week.

This bill is an important step forward, but there is still so much more work to be done. I want you to know that I'm doing everything in my power to help our state and our country get through this together. I'm working with as many Delaware families, businesses, and organizations as I can to ensure we continue to tackle these challenges head on.

Thank you,


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