Bidenomcs isn't working, U.S. defense has become corrupt, no re-election for Clint Hickman, and more...


Recent headlines for the January jobs report indicate a robust economy. But a more thorough look reveals challenges for Americans.

One recent headline proclaimed “Voters are finally noticing that Bidenomics is working.” But just 30 percent of Americans think the economy is doing well. When asked who would handle the economy better, people give former president Donald Trump a 22-point advantage over President Biden.

Challenges include increasing part-time employment in recent months, declining household employment in three of the last four months for a net decline of 398,000 job holders, mounting public debt burdens, and declining real wages, which have fallen by 4.4 percent since January 2021. 



Sloan Oliver contributor to American Thinker: Islamic countries are the most authoritarian, oppressive countries in the world. So why do our Biden and Dems adamantly support Muslims over Israel -- the lone westernized country in the Middle East? Could it be the Dems support authoritarian regimes because they strive to that end?

Daniel Lattier contributor to The Imaginative Conservative: There is a tendency for modern schools to advertise themselves as providing students with “critical thinking skills” in contrast to the supposedly antiquated model of supplying students with factual knowledge. But as modern research is finding, there is no such thing as critical thinking without factual knowledge.

Jane Robbins contributor to One element of the LGBTQ+ assault on childhood is Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), in which children are entertained by fat men dressed as prostitutes. These events have become common across the country in libraries, bookstores, schools, and (God help us) church.



Government-Backed Censors Who Rigged The 2020 Election Are Now Stealing 2024

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Benz should be a wake-up call for all Americans that our government is waging war on us.

If you didn’t see Tucker Carlson’s interview last week with Mike Benz, you need to take an hour and watch the whole thing. In a mind-bending narrative about the emergence of what Benz calls “military rule” through an online censorship industry in the U.S., he lays out in startling detail just how corrupt and tyrannical the U.S. defense and foreign policy establishment has become.

Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman Will Not Seek Re-election

Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman will not be seeking re-election. 

In a statement, Hickman thanked his constituents in the West Valley.

"My family has been gracious and unselfish in supporting me as I’ve campaigned, served, held town halls and breakfasts with constituents, been part of early morning and late-night meetings about county business, made decisions that brought significant attention and had profound impact—all things that come with public service," the Republican, said.

Inflation Can Be Difficult To Kill Off

It is difficult to find exact historical settings for the inflation set loose by the Biden Administration.  However, the similarity with previous periods could be a guide.

Among the conditions plaguing us today are: very turbulent domestic politics, large deficits caused by an expansion of the welfare state and 20 years of losing warfare, supply chain constraints caused by Covid lockdown policies, green energy policies that increase energy prices, an astronomical build-up of debt and deficits, entitlement systems vulnerable to massive demographic shifts, and a long period of loose money and zero interest rates. We are flirting with revolutionary monetary policies such as Modern Monetary Theory and a very interventionist Federal Reserve.



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