“Thank you for all the help that you give me, and thank you very much for your efforts and hard work. You are making our world better and you are seeking to alleviate the suffering of the oppressed people in this world. You are an example of morality and humanity. Please continue on the path of goodness because you are like angels on earth. And I always feel comfortable when I talk to you.”
We received This message from an individual we are supporting through our Aman Safety programme. The five-year programme aims to protect refugees, asylum seekers from exploitation. Common refugee routes have been identified as hotspots for trafficking and exploitation, including the Mediterranean route, which covers Türkiye, Greece, and Cyprus. Over four years, the Aman Safety programme has focused on Greece and Türkiye - launching multiple geo-targeted human trafficking prevention campaigns in more than six languages, reaching people from more than 22 different nationalities. In the programme’s fifth year, we are expanding our impact to Cyprus. This is after receiving intelligence during our work in Türkiye about the prevalence of human trafficking and exploitation in both Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus.
Using Data for Change: Power of 10 Initiative in Cyprus
Our efforts in Cyprus are focused on spearheading a data-sharing initiative bringing together frontline organisations in Cyprus that work on different issues ranging from LGBTQ protection to refugee support and drug rehabilitation. The aim is to launch a Power of 10 initiative, encouraging these NGOs to gather the stories of the trafficking or exploitation survivors they work with and pool them together to form a dataset. Using this dataset, STOP THE TRAFFIK creates insights and data visualisations to build a better understanding of local trafficking trends and help improve the data gap surrounding the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery within Cyprus. When ten or more organisations share at least 10 case examples, each powered by analytical technology, we could potentially achieve 1 million data points, which has far-reaching implications for what we can all see.
Following the Money: Financial Institutions Training in Greece
Our work in Greece will continue by expanding beyond disrupting the recruitment of vulnerable people, to disrupting the movement of proceeds of this crime. Every day, traffickers are transferring the proceeds of their crime through legitimate financial systems. Financial institutions are exposed to modern slavery and human trafficking through their customer base – victims or perpetrators using their services. Instead of only reaching communities at risk with safety information, we are tackling prevention at its root. The way we aim to achieve this is by delivering bespoke human trafficking training to Greek financial institutions including commercial banks and money transferring businesses. Our trainings with financial institutions offer targeted solutions to improve current mitigation methods to ensure best practice.