According to the New York Times, Donald Trump and his allies are already planning a major push to restrict abortion access nationwide if he wins.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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According to the New York Times, Donald Trump and his allies are already planning a major push to restrict abortion access nationwide if he wins.

Trump is privately telling his advisors and allies that he would support a national 16-week abortion ban. But they’re not stopping there. His allies are making a “Day One plan” to use sweeping executive powers — including at the FDA, Health and Human Services, the NIH and the Department of Justice — to restrict abortion rights.

One of their number one goals is to use a dormant 1873 law to criminalize mailing anything used in abortion care — including drugs like mifepristone — because they know that abortion medication covers the majority of abortions today.

And this is only what has leaked so far. Trump knows that this is a losing issue, and he is desperately trying to conceal the full extent of their plans.

We cannot let this happen. We need to make sure everybody knows exactly what Trump is planning and organize up and down the ballot to defeat Republicans’ efforts to ban abortion nationwide.

Please contribute $3 or anything you can afford to our campaign today. Chris will put every dollar to work to elect Democrats who will vote to abolish the filibuster and protect abortion access nationwide.


The details of their plan come on the heels of Trump taking full credit for overturning Roe v. Wade.

“[For] 54 years, they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it. And I’m proud to have done it.” - Donald Trump

If we give Trump and his allies the chance, they will absolutely limit and ban abortion access as much as they can. Republican-controlled states have shown us that for over a year.

The stakes in November are high. This isn’t just a chance to stop Trump from restricting abortion in every state. This is our chance to elect a majority that will pass federal legislation to restore and protect abortion access in every state.

If you are with us in this fight, please make a contribution today to support Chris Murphy’s reelection and organizing work. We must make Trump and his Republican allies pay a price for their dangerous agenda.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

-Team Murphy


Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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