New research conducted by Arena and Dalberg Advisors shows that Republicans invest FOUR TIMES more than Democrats in efforts to recruit, cultivate, and retain campaign talent.

Arena Community,


If we know one thing at Arena, it's that it takes great people to win elections.

It takes great candidates, certainly. But it also takes great teams around them -- campaign staff, volunteers, movement leaders, and activists.

Unfortunately, when it comes to investing in people, Democrats are falling behind. 

New research conducted by Arena and Dalberg Advisors shows that Republicans invest FOUR TIMES more than Democrats in efforts to recruit, cultivate, and retain campaign talent.

We need your help to close that gap.

Our ability to win up and down the ballot this year requires that we recruit, train, and deploy more campaign staffers than we ever have before. Arena has the track record to meet this moment, but we need your help.

Democratic group urges more investment to catch up to Republicans in building campaign talent pipelines.

Can you help us recruit and train the next generation of diverse campaign leaders?


There is too much on the line this year to let Republicans win the talent wars. And we can’t expect to build long term power unless we start meaningfully investing in people power now. 

Our research shows that Republicans are ahead, but what happens next is up to all of us. Join us in building the teams that power Democratic victories.

With gratitude,

Lauren Baer 
Arena Managing Partner

P.S. Check out the NBC News coverage of our important new research and share it with your friends. We all have to work together to close the funding gap! 

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