
Over the weekend, news broke that the Biden Administration may sabotage one of its own tools for getting Big Auto to speed up our nation’s transition to electric vehicles.

This is the situation:
Here at Public Citizen, we know something about taking on Big Auto. Today, nobody would buy — and no company would try to sell — a new car without airbags. That’s us. We had to battle Detroit for decades over that one, but we didn’t stop until we won.

The difference now is that the very habitability of our planet is at stake, and we don’t have decades.

To President Joe Biden:

A decision to roll back the scale of a transition to electric vehicles would be a monumental failure of your administration and of industry to take action toward a fossil-free future. With climate change fast accelerating, this is no time to capitulate to corporate demands. There is still time for your administration to avoid this epic error and recommit to the science-backed actions you started.

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- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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