

The Republicans in the Iowa Senate today passed a bill that will allow for the legalized discrimination of the LGBTQ community in Iowa, and while I'm angry, I'm also *hurt.*


As a queer woman and an Iowan, I am sick and tired of my community being the target of mean-spirited discriminatory bills written by Republican politicians here in the Iowa Senate.


This is not the Iowa I know and love, and I refuse to let the GOP make our state more unwelcoming.


That’s why I am emailing you. I need your support to help Democrats across Iowa have the resources they need to throw out the bigots who are trampling on the rights of Iowans under the ridiculous excuse of “religious freedom.” 


Will you chip in $15 or $50 today to help me get more Democrats elected to the Senate?


We can’t let Republicans get away with their efforts to let folks have the freedom to discriminate against our fellow Iowans, so can you help me fight back by donating today?





Iowans for Liz Bennett

366 19th St SE

Cedar Rapids, IA, 52403