Moderate NY-16 primary challenger George Latimer made an ugly, baseless attack against progressive incumbent Jamaal Bowman.

Justice Democrats


Remember how Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s moderate, AIPAC-backed opponent made the dangerous, baseless claim that Jamaal takes money from Hamas last week? Well, he’s since double-downed on this racist, Islamophobic claim.

The Intercept: Primary challenger bankrolled by AIPAC says Jamaal Bowman takes money from Hamas. George Latimer offered no evidence to back up his allegation — and doubled down on his dark insinuations about Bowman.

When Westchester County Executive and NY-16 congressional candidate George Latimer was asked by a voter about taking $600,000 from anti-Palestinian lobby group AIPAC at a Black History Month event, he lashed out and accused Jamaal of taking money from Hamas with zero evidence to back it up.

He later emailed the voter a link to an article on a far-right conspiracy theory website which simply pointed out that Jamaal had a fundraising event with pro-peace activist groups, and had no evidence to support his reckless claim.

This ugly attack by Latimer is part of the larger AIPAC strategy to accuse anyone in support of innocent Palestinians’ basic human rights of being tied to Hamas. With 40% of Latimer’s campaign fundraising coming from AIPAC, it’s no wonder he’s taking a page out of their playbook.

We can’t let Jamaal lose his seat to this out-of-touch, racist, and Islamophobic candidate who’s bought by AIPAC. Help us defend him in this June’s primary by splitting a grassroots donation of $3 or more to Justice Democrats and Jamaal’s campaign now!

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In solidarity,

Justice Democrats


Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time.

There are other ways to make an impact in support of peace and equality in Israel and Palestine: please urge your member of Congress to support a ceasefire through Adalah Justice Project’s petition or by calling them using Jewish Voice for Peace’s dialer here. Your voice matters in this critical moment.