<[link removed]>Read on about EARTHDAY.ORG in the news around the world.
<[link removed]>This Earth Day is About the 'Planet Vs. Plastics' and Organizers are Pushing Petitions and Education <[link removed]>
Published in Forbes.
<[link removed]>Plastics in the Environment: Discussing the Pollution Crisis from a Sustainable Perspective <[link removed]>
Check out the Finding Real Genius Podcast featuring EARTHDAY.ORG staff Tom Cosgrove, Aidan Charron, and Michael Karapetian.
<[link removed]>Cupid at Work on Earth Day <[link removed]>
Many mark April 22nd as the day they found true love.
<[link removed]>EARTHDAY.ORG Welcomes Education Staff to Spearhead Climate Education Initiatives <[link removed]>
The State of the Climate Interactive Map is a comprehensive overview detailing where and how climate change is being taught.
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