Dear John,
We’re thinking of you as we find our way in this new, rapidly changing reality. We are grateful to be connected to you and a network of so many people committed to creating a better world.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disoriented. Despite the necessity and wisdom in social distancing, having to be isolated is adding a particular kind of heartache to this crisis. We know that being together is what we need most right now - not just for our own well-being, but because it makes our communities and our country stronger. That’s why we are so excited to be coming together online tonight with Valarie Kaur and the Revolutionary Love Project to host the first in a series of virtual gatherings: “Revolutionary Love in a Time of Fear.”
This virtual gathering is the first in an ongoing series that will explore what revolutionary love looks like and how to practice it in these times. We are so excited to have Valarie Kaur, civil rights lawyer, award-winning filmmaker and founder of The Revolutionary Love Project, teaming up with us for this virtual series. Tonight she will read from her forthcoming book See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love. She will also lead an exercise on accessing our deepest wisdoms and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions in a live Q&A session.
This year, Dream Corps is joining forces with Valarie and her team at the Revolutionary Love Project because we think there is an opportunity for revolutionary love to enter the zeitgeist of the country. Dream Corps believes that we must ground our political and cultural efforts in love and call people up as we combat hate, heal our wounds, fight for the soul of the country -- and overcome a global pandemic. Now more than ever, we need to take care of each other and to protect the most vulnerable among us.
Register now to gather with us.
The next gatherings are on April 16, May 14, and June 18. Registering here will keep you updated for the whole series. If you aren’t able to join live, we’ll send you a recording.
"Breathe, my love. Like any long labor, we are going to take this one breath at a time." - Valarie Kaur
We hope to see you tonight!
In love and solidarity,
Dream Corps Team