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We are adjusting our newsletter moving towards lean critical updates and that we will be reaching out to members in the coming days regarding how we can further offer support during this situation. |
BCCSA and B.C. Government
This past Sunday the government of B.C. put out suggested guidelines for construction site safety and handling during the COVID-19 crisis. This bulletin was communicated to members via a direct email that same day. You can find that bulletin here as well.
The BC Construction Safety Alliance (BCCSA) has provided a number of helpful links to information and tools regarding COVID-19 directly related to the construction industry. These include FAQs, Resources and Signage, along with Mental Health Resources. You can find this information here.
As of last week, CHBA BC has updated our main webpage to include our "Response to COVID-19" and "COVID-19 Information Resources & Government Support." We are working to ensure updated information is reflected on our website as it comes.
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC (CHBA BC) has been carefully monitoring the evolving impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a valued CHBA BC learner, your safety always has been, and remains, a high priority for us. Our education programs will remain open but will operate on a limited basis. As a voluntary and precautionary measure in response to COVID-19, classes for April 2020 have been canceled.
All courses currently available for enrollment, from May 2020 - Dec 2020, remain scheduled as in-class sessions. As CHBA BC continues to monitor the situation daily, adjustments will be made to in-class sessions accordingly. Students impacted by these changes will be contacted directly by the Education Department for next steps.
CHBA BC is actively exploring ways to transition to full distance/online learning, wherever possible and reasonable. Students will also be able to write final exams online, proctored remotely. Students enrolled in current classes will be contacted directly by the Education Department once dates are announced.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out by contacting [email protected].
BC Housing
Financial Hardship
If you are facing financial hardship due to loss of work, but wish to renew and keep your licence current, you may be able to defer your renewal payment. This safeguards inactive licensees who are unable to work and have no upcoming contracts.
If you wish to defer your renewal fee, please submit your renewal application and choose the “pay later” option. When you have completed this step, you can email [email protected], with your licence number in the subject line. This will let us know that your renewal has been submitted and you need to defer your payment. For licensees who choose this option, please note that your licence will be restricted from enrolling new projects until the renewal fee has been paid.
Continuing Professional Development
While online training is still available, we recognize that not everyone with upcoming licence renewals will be able to meet their CPD requirements on time this licence term. The requirements for CPD remain in place. However, if you are having difficulty obtaining all of your CPD points this licence term due to disruptions in planned training, we will consider deferring your CPD points and adding them to your next licence term.
A licensing officer will reach out to you when you submit your renewal if you have not met the CPD requirements. You can advise them of your circumstances at that time. We will review each licence renewal on a case-by-case basis.
Earlier this month CHBA BC held its provincial meetings in Vancouver which included the publication of our Annual Report for 2019. This report is now live on our website.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8