Today's most important news and opinion from Common Dreams
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"The American Muslim community is running out of words to describe our feelings about the Biden administration's support for the Gaza genocide," said one advocate.
The Massachusetts Democrat said the $35.3 billion deal "threatens our financial stability, reduces competition, and would increase fees and credit costs for American families."
"Nationwide abortion bans, attacks on same-sex marriage, and restrictions on contraception—this is the horrifying reality being openly discussed by Team Trump and the likely architects of his second term agenda."
"The responsibility still lies with the U.S. Department of Justice," said a Reporters Without Borders campaigner. "At any point, they could drop the charges, they could close this case, they could let Julian Assange free."
The sitting president’s stubbornness and self-righteousness may be jeopardizing not simply his legacy or his party’s electoral chances, but democracy itself.