It's National Love Your Pet Day, and today, I was thinking about all the cool ways me and my furry feathered, and scaled buddies love OUR human friends.

 Diana DeGette for Congress

PAW-licy Advisor Fiona DeGette with Diana

Hi, Johh – My name is Fiona, and I'm Diana's PAW-licy advisor and unofficial Congressional Squirrel Chaser!

It's National Love Your Pet Day, and today, I was thinking about all the cool ways me and my furry, feathered, and scaled buddies love and support our humans.

I love taking Diana on walks with me, doing tricks I know will make her happy, and of course, snuggling as much as possible. But one of my favorite things to do is to welcome her home after a long day of serving her constituents in Congress.

There are two things I know for sure: I AM THE GOODEST GIRL (at least everybody says so), and a little more importantly, that Diana really needs your support. If she's going to continue fighting back against extremism and help take back the House in November, our campaign needs to put in the work now.

Today might be National Love Your Pet Day — but for me, every day is National I Love Diana Day! I want to send her a boost in donations for her campaign, but I need your help.

We can't just roll over and let the House Republicans think they can do what they want. I hope I'm not barking up the wrong tree, but will you help me raise some $$ to boost Diana's campaign? Rush a donation today >>

Thank you,

Fiona DeGette
PAW-licy Advisor Extraordinaire 🐾
Congressional Squirrel Chaser 🐿️
Team DeGette



Diana is relying on grassroots donors to continue fighting for Colorado values in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $5 -- or whatever you can today -- to help her keep fighting?


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Paid for by Diana DeGette for Congress, Inc., Edgar Neel, Treasurer

Diana DeGette for Congress
PO Box 61337
Denver, CO 61337
United States

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