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The Report
A newsletter from The Hechinger Report
Liz Willen
Hi all,

Nearly four years ago, our nation plunged into the unknown of a pandemic lockdown. The repercussions are being felt every day, with acute learning loss and chronic absenteeism and worsening student mental health.

We also wrote recently about the increasing, and sometimes misused, practice of requiring students to have a psychiatric evaluations as schools address the heightened concern over violence and threats. Some students find themselves marooned, out of school for weeks or even months, with families left to navigate the youth mental health system.

Take a look at our coverage and consider the students around you. How are they doing, and what do they need? Hechinger higher ed writer Olivia Sanchez wants to know, so please get in touch as we continue our reporting. As Deputy Managing Editor Christina Samuels wrote, it’s clear that many of the kids are far from all right

We rely on donations from readers like you to support our work. Every dollar counts, and a gift of any size allows you to become a member of The Hechinger Report.

Liz Willen, Editor
Main Idea 

Schools are sending more kids to psychiatrists out of fears of campus violence, prompting concern from clinicians 

Psychiatric evaluations are meant to keep students safe. But psychiatrists say schools frequently misuse and misunderstand them

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Reading List 

PROOF POINTS: The chronic absenteeism puzzle

High rates of absenteeism coexist with high daily attendance

Less than 1 percent of construction jobs go to women of color in this city

Rochester, Minnesota, is piloting an initiative to close the industry’s equity gap for women through offering training and child care

OPINION: Not enough students with dyslexia have access to high-quality reading and writing instruction. AI can help.

New technology could help educators create personalized lessons

On paper, teens are thriving. In reality, they’re not

Around 2010, traditional measures of well-being diverged from youth reports of their mental health

COLUMN: The climate change lesson plans teachers need and don’t have

New research shows teachers need help combating misinformation as well as presenting solutions

OPINION: Federal pandemic funds should not disappear just when we need them most

Any so-called rebound has a long way to go, and far more support is still needed


How we are covering the 2024 election cycle 🗳️

As a newsroom dedicated to in-depth, nuanced stories about education, we are looking beyond horse-race coverage of candidates running in national and state elections. During this election season, we will continue to use research, data and stories from classrooms and campuses to show the public how education can be improved and why it matters.

Do you have a question related to how this year’s election outcomes might affect schools and campuses? Reply directly to this email and let us know.

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