Here’s a not-so-fun fact this tax season, folks: Corporations are doing *the most* to rig the rules against working people and pad their own pockets.
Here’s just one example — if you used AT&T for internet or cell service in 2021, you paid them more than they paid in taxes. In fact, AT&T, one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world, paid less than $0 in taxes in 2021.
You read that right. LESS THAN $0.
We don’t know about you, but that math ain’t math-ing. Young people shouldn’t be expected to pick up the slack for billion-dollar corporations. Will you sign our petition and demand corporations pay what they owe?
While companies like Netflix and Verizon are laying off employees and increasing prices, they’re also raking in record profits. If they’re making all this money, they can certainly afford to pay people fairly — and pay what they owe in taxes.
Add your name today and demand they pay what they truly owe.
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