As our nation responds to the global COVID-19 pandemic, anti-abortion extremists have moved to politicize the crisis in Texas and other states.
On Monday Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton shockingly threatened abortion providers with fines and jail time if they perform the procedure following Gov. Abbott’s order barring nonessential medical services.
The Texas Freedom Network immediately denounced this reckless attack on women’s reproductive health care. We stand with providers like Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman’s Health, both of which filed lawsuits yesterday to ensure that patients can continue to access essential, time-sensitive abortion services during the pandemic. Delays and additional barriers under the guise of fighting the spread of COVID-19 could make it impossible for patients to access this care and possibly make their health situations worse.

Please act immediately to tell Gov. Abbott that reproductive health care, including abortion, is essential health care. Instead of exploiting this crisis to limit access to abortion, public officials should be making sure that everyone has access to the health care they need.
Standing together,
Kathy Miller
TFN President