They’re called wildlife killing contests—sick competitions that celebrate and reward the wanton slaughter of innocent wildlife. And when you make an immediate contribution to the Humane Society Legislative Fund you can help us put a stop to them and power all of our work to help animals.
The “winners” of these heinous contests are typically those who have killed the most or the heaviest wildlife—determined by counting and weighing the remains of the slain animals, who often have holes punched into their limbs so that chains and ropes can hoist their bloody bodies onto scales. Once weighed, their lifeless bodies are sometimes tossed into dumpsters or left in the woods to rot in piles.
There is nothing competitive or sporting about wildlife killing contents. It’s animal cruelty and we must put an end to it! Friend, please help us fight for federal and state legislation to end wildlife killing contests everywhere, and support all our efforts to save animals from suffering. Please make an urgent $20 contribution right now and let’s solve suffering.
Not only are wildlife killing contests cruel and cowardly—but some consider them “family entertainment,” which means children are present and sometimes even participate, witnessing the slaughter of animals and walking around corpses of the slain victims.
Killing contests are highly organized, well-funded and widely publicized events. But we CAN shut them down. Stand strong with us against the cruelty and senseless slaughter caused by wildlife killing contests. Donate now and your support will advance all our efforts to end the suffering of animals.