Dear Friend,
We are delighted to send you the first short film in our new series, I Was Radicalized, Part 1, featuring Arno Michaelis, a former neo-Nazi and white supremacist, who, against all odds, pushed off his extremist past to start a new life.
Arno found power and acceptance in his violent years as a white supremacist, living off the adrenalin rush of the fear he spread. But his violent and aggressive lifestyle endangered him losing the most important person in his life, his baby daughter.
Arno fought his way back to a regular existence and then as an activist. His story is an inspiration to all and sends a strong message that it is never too late to reject hate and extremism for a better and more productive life.
Click the image below to watch the full film.
Look out for more podcasts, films and articles from Clarion Project.
Wishing you and yours good health and strength.
Richard Green
Executive Director
Clarion Project