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National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare


Sign Our Emergency Petition Today!

Dear John,

Republican extremists in Congress could be close to bringing the “Fiscal Commission Act” (H.R. 5779) to the House Floor for a vote. Supporters of this bill are dead set on reducing the debt by cutting your earned benefits.

The “Fiscal Commission Act” will make it easier to:

  • Squeeze every possible dollar of savings out of Social Security and Medicare without consideration for the adequacy of benefits during the Commission’s deliberations and

  • Enact deep cuts to these critical programs that could never pass Congress through the normal legislative process because of their unpopularity with the voting public.

John, we need to defeat this bill ASAP! So please sign our EMERGENCY PETITION TO CONGRESS today and tell your U.S. Representative that seniors reject the “Fiscal Commission Act” that would give lawmakers political cover for slashing earned benefits!

We need to keep the pressure on lawmakers because we don’t know when Speaker of the House Mike Johnson will bring this terrible bill to the House Floor for a vote. If H.R. 5779 is enacted, Congress could take critical votes that would unravel the foundations of economic security for current and future retirees.

And at a time when more Americans than ever before are counting on their earned benefits just to scrape by each month, that would spell disaster for millions of older Americans!

The White House has called fiscal commissions “death panels” for Social Security and Medicare for good reason. So please join with thousands of your fellow senior Americans in opposing a fiscal commission tasked with finding spending cuts to your earned benefits by signing our EMERGENCY PETITION TO CONGRESS today!


Max Richtman

Max Richtman

President & CEO

P.S. John, your signed petition is urgently needed! The U.S. House of Representatives could soon vote on the “Fiscal Commission Act” which would devastate your earned benefits. Your member of Congress must hear from you and other seniors from your district on the critical need to protect your Social Security ASAP. Thank you!

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