Americans Strongly
Disagree with Chinese Land Ownership in the USA
A recent poll shows an overwhelming majority of voters in North
Carolina say Chinese firms should not be allowed to own U.S. farmland.
According to a poll conducted for the League
of American Workers, three-fourths of likely voters in North
Carolina say Chinese firms should not be allowed to own U.S. farmland.
They also strongly reject the notion of foreign companies buying
strategic U.S. assets, such as food and steel production
The poll surveyed 600 likely voters in North Carolina, with a 4
percent margin of error. Voters rejected Chinese ownership of farmland
74 to 18 percent, and foreign ownership of strategic assets by 73 to
18 percent. Notably, the poll recorded majorities across party

Carolina Rejects Slavery Reparations. So Why Are Democrats Demanding
The Civil War’s been paid for in blood
and treasure, yet Democrats are desperate to pay off black voters
ahead of the 2024 election.
A new poll by Steve Cortes’ League of American Workers shows that
likely North Carolina voters reject reparations for slavery by 63 to
24 percent. In western North Carolina, the figures are even higher: 67
to 21 percent, including the “progressive” stronghold of
Newsflash to the Left: Americans don’t want to relitigate the
160-year-old Civil War, much less spend trillions of dollars doing it.
So why are Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY) and other congressional Democrats
so desperate to force
it on the public?

Abortion, the Left is Wildly Out of Touch with
Americans overwhelmingly support putting limits on the ability to
kill babies, yet Joe Biden and the Democratic Party continue to
advocate for this barbaric practice up until the point of
73 percent of Americans surveyed believe
that abortion should not be permitted at all after 15 weeks. Even 31
percent of Democrats and 37 percent of Independents believe abortion
should either never be permitted or
only allowed for cases of rape or incest.
Biden Democrats like Virginia Del.
Kathy Tran want abortion to be legal up until the
moment of birth. Biden himself believes that
abortion is a “fundamental right”—despite his professed Catholic

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