"If you’ve been searching for an accessible introduction to mass criminalization in the U.S., look no further than The Warehouse. This book is visually captivating and full of valuable information for youth and adults alike. I’ll be gifting this book to people for years to come and will recommend it to everyone who asks me the question: ‘What is mass incarceration?’"

–Mariame Kaba, author of We Do This Til We Free Us

Mass incarceration is a lived, sensory experience. The most eye-popping statistics alone cannot relate the enormity of its psychological and societal impacts.

The Warehouse: A Visual Primer on Mass Incarceration is a concise, illustrated primer by one of mass incarceration’s sharpest opponents, James Kilgore, and information artist Vic Liu. It brings to life the histories and means of daily survival of the marginalized people ensnared in this racist, ableist system of class-based oppression. The book elegantly weaves together the most insightful activist scholarship with vivid testimonials by incarcerated people as they fight back against oppression and imagine freedom.

Help bring this book to life by preordering on Kickstarter.

The project ends this Friday, February 23.


On the Kickstarter, you can also donate books to abolitionist groups and people on the inside and pick up the new FREE THEM ALL bandana which is a benefit for the Abolitionist Law Center.


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