

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a time when advocates shine a light on prevention and share support for survivors. While outreach has typically been through in-person events — this April, in the midst of the current public health crisis — event planners are having to think through new ways to engage community members.

While we know it's a challenge to change up strategies so close to April, we also know that the messages we collectively share through SAAM activities are always meaningful, necessary, and worthwhile. As you re-strategize your activities, we will be sharing guidance and resources along the way to help make this lift a shared one.

Together, we can keep the light of SAAM shining during these uncertain times. Get started by exploring these social-distancing friendly actions that are both valuable and do-able in a quick turnaround time. 

Adapt your in-person event to an online event
Events like panel discussions around topics like consent or Q&As — or even film screenings — can be taken online. Consider holding a virtual discussion via Facebook Live, Skype, Zoom, or another video conferencing platform to help community members feel empowered to ask questions and educate themselves about these topics from the comfort of their own homes. If you’ve already added an event to our national listing, you can edit the event page to change the location to “remote” using these instructions.

Take Part in the SAAM Day of Action on Tuesday, April 7th
Help turn social media teal — the color of sexual assault awareness and prevention — on April 7th by sharing a teal selfie using #SAAM. Teal ribbons, t-shirts, nails, hair, makeup, jewelry, ties, and other accessories have been popular items worn in the past. Some folks have even gotten creative and decked their pets out in teal. Sample post: Today is the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action, and I'm wearing teal to show my support for survivors. #SAAM #IAsk

Participate in and Promote the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram Challenge
During these uncertain times, we’re hoping that past and new participants alike find the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram challenge to be an outlet to share creativity, hope, and connection.
Encourage your audience to join in with this sample post: Join the advocates, survivors, and supporters getting involved in Sexual Assault Awareness Month online through the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram challenge. Get started: bit.ly/30DaysSAAM #SAAM #IAsk

Share Messages, Graphics, Videos on Social Media
Sometimes there’s no better way to reach community members than with direct and engaging messages about supporting survivors and consent through social media posts. Post graphics, gifs, and videos to share important messages about consent and healthy sexuality throughout the month. Think through messages and content that might be especially relevant during this time — for instance content on self-care, digital consent, or establishing healthy boundaries.

Explore more ideas for making your SAAM plans social-distancing friendly:

Get Engaged Online in Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2020 Campaign Guide

10 Digital SAAM Activities for Your Campus

CDC Guidance: Get Your Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events Ready

7 organizing strategies in a time of social distancing

Coronavirus Demands a Quantum Leap in Organizing

Marketing Your Event During COVID-19

Lessening The Risk Of Coronavirus At Nonprofits


Let us know how you are changing up your SAAM plans this so we can share with others.

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center © Mar 26, 2020 12:44:04 PM All rights reserved.
 Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
This project is supported by Grant / Cooperative Agreement No. 1UF2CE002359-05 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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