From Texas Senate Update <[email protected]>
Subject “Will Cruz lose in 2024?”
Date February 20, 2024 3:32 PM
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Will Cruz lose in 2024? New ranking shows Ted Cruz may be vulnerable
– Chron
“CNN's analysis says [Ted Cruz’s] seat presents the best opportunity for Democrats to flip a seat: ‘given the candidates running – especially Allred’s fundraising – it’s the more competitive of the two Democratic offensive opportunities on this list,’ CNN wrote Thursday.”
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Early voting just began TODAY in Texas’ Senate primary, John.

Ted Cruz is up for reelection this November, and this latest poll should terrify him:

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We are in striking distance of defeating Ted Cruz and restoring real leadership in November, John. But with this poll statistically TIED, there’s no doubt Cruz will spend a fortune to protect himself.

We’re counting on grassroots support to help flip red states blue — which starts with a strong showing in the Texas primary on Super Tuesday.

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— Defend the Senate

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