Husain Ali Maki Ali, a 16-year-old Bahraini high school student and minor, was arrested by Bahraini authorities while he was practicing sports on 12 January 2015, without presenting an arrest warrant. During his detention, he was subjected to torture, forced disappearance, denial of access to legal counsel during interrogation, an unfair trial, solitary confinement, and the deprivation of communication with his family, as well as visits from them. He is currently serving a life sentence on politically motivated charges in Jau Prison.
Analysing the UPR of Saudi Arabia:
New Recommendations and Foreseeable Developments – Freedom Of Expression
(Part One)
On 22 January 2024, Saudi Arabia received a review of its human rights record in the country’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This mechanism is characterised by a peer review by other UN member states suggesting how to improve the respect of human rights in light of the country’s international obligations. The government has received 354 recommendations from 135 states calling for reforms in different sectors, including freedom of expression, abolishing the death penalty, protecting migrant workers’ rights and eliminating discrimination against women. Consequently, Saudi Arabia must notify the HRC of which recommendations it accepts or rejects during the 56th Human Rights Council (HRC) session in June-July 2024.
The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) … The UN Must Stop Giving the Green Light to Human Rights Violators
The hosting of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) by the United Arab Emirates for two weeks in late 2023 failed to reach strong and binding agreements, coupled with continued support for the expansion of the fossil fuel sector. This highlights the mistake committed by the UN in granting countries with poor human rights record the opportunity to exploit international events to whitewash their image. The COP28 conference is the latest evidence of how an environmental global event has been turned into a means of exploitation by a state that tops the list of human rights violators in suppressing freedoms and criminalizing civil society and political opposition.
Sayed Hussain Hashim Alawi Fardan was a 17-year-old minor when Bahraini authorities arrested him at a gas station in Sitra Industrial City on 31 March 2013, without providing an arrest warrant. During his detention, he was subjected to torture, enforced disappearance, solitary confinement, sexual harassment, denial of access to his lawyer during interrogation, an unfair trial based on confessions extracted under torture, and medical negligence. He is currently serving a 51-year prison sentence in Jau Prison on politically motivated charges related to his participation in the pro-democracy movement.
Climate Change and Allocation of Investments in Natural Resources in GCC Countries: Examining the Impacts on Human Rights
Globally, the impact of climate-induced back draws and, ultimately, migrations can be witnessed extensively. This phenomenon is less prevalent in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). However, the recent statistics on climate change and the allocation of investments in natural resources in the Gulf can revert the trend. According to the Middle East Institute (MEI), the relationship between climate change and migration still needs to be studied extensively. Climate change in the Gulf is a topic that still needs to be tackled with an intersectional approach. GCC countries sponsor investment of billions of dollars in plans for developing renewable energy. However, reports show that these plans’ application, transparency, and effectiveness remain questionable. Consequently, concerns arise over a possible strategy of ‘’greenwashing’’ to appease the international community’s requests.