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*Contact: *Erin Rieser, DNR Property Planning Section Manager
ErinE.Rieser@wisconsin.gov or 608-400-6171
DNR Approves Master Plan Variance To Expand Barrens Habitat At Brule River State Forest
*MADISON, Wis.* ? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved a variance?to the?Brule River State Forest Master Plan [ [link removed] ]?to allow additional barrens habitat management in the Mott's Ravine Native Community Management?Area at Brule River State Forest.
The approved variance updates management prescriptions for Motts Ravine by increasing the acres of core area dedicated to barrens management from between 200 and 400 acres to between 1,000 and 1,200 acres. The Motts Ravine area has been identified as capable of supporting and expanding the globally rare and imperiled pine-barrens community type.
The approved variance applies only to lands owned in fee title by the DNR, while the proposed variance would have also applied to lands acquired later. After reviewing public comments and further consideration of the proposal, the department determined that the management of lands not owned in fee title was outside the scope of the variance.
Located in Douglas County, the Brule River State Forest [ [link removed] ] contains all 44 miles of the Bois Brule River, along with many recreational opportunities. The Brule River State Forest Master Plan [ [link removed] ] was approved by the Natural Resources Board in 2017.
The public can view the final variance document on the DNR?s Northwest Sands Regional Master Plan webpage [ [link removed] ].
Questions or comments can be submitted to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
C/O Erin Rieser, DNR Property Planning Section Manager
101 S. Webster St.
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707
ErinE.Rieser@wisconsin.gov <ErinE.Rieser@Wisconsin.gov>?or 608-400-6171
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