Sometimes people will ask me, “There is so much happening in the world and in the country, and it all feels so big and overwhelming - what can I even do as one person?” What I try to convey every time is that no action is too small, and if you feel so moved, you can and should start with whatever is within arm’s reach or in your backyard. You can even start with yourself.
We live in a culture of grand gestures and big ambitions, but that also means we should be wary of how much “get-rich-quick” thinking can perpetuate beyond money schemes and into the idea that any/all major, impactful shifts happen suddenly and in dramatic fashion with a handful of major figures. The fact is, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Revolutionary and transformative changes, from the inside out, happen more like mosaics.
Think of it like this: no matter who we are, how visible or invisible or big or small, each one of us is just one tile. Whether you see that as liberating or disempowering is a matter of perspective. When you have your eye pressed all the way up to the single tile of a mosaic, it can look quite meaningless. A single piece of shattered glass could look worthless. Or perhaps a piece of small painted porcelain could seem beautiful, but too small to “be” anything. Or maybe a stunning rare slab of stone may think itself as the biggest piece when it is really a corner tile. The secret is, it’s all significant.
The two secrets of mosaics are:
When we are able to step back from thinking our own broken, unfinished pieces are not enough, and start to see how all the other little pieces glistening alongside us start to form eyes and ears and abstract beauty and landscapes and symbols and more, we realize that just because we didn’t see the big picture at first doesn’t mean we weren’t part of one. So just do the small thing - for yourself and others. Choose your actions with humility, love, and enthusiasm. It means more than you know, and the world thanks you for it.
Take heart,
Alexandria is fighting for a powerful set of policies that will reshape our economy, shrink inequality, and address the climate crisis.
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