Dear Friend,

Once again this week, we went to bed watching news coverage of 22 people murdered in El Paso, TX and woke up to 11 more innocent people murdered in Dayton, OH.  After working through feelings of profound sadness and anger, I settled on a deep-seeded frustration with the elected officials that fail to act in the face of these tragedies.  It seems that many of our leaders are deeply compromised and place special interests and politics over protecting the lives of people, public safety and effecting policy initiatives to prevent or reduce occurrences of these random acts of senseless violence.

In the first 211 days of 2019, there have been 255 mass shootings in America - substantially more shootings than days.  We have to fix this and I would like to share with you my 7 point plan of how we do that.

Within my first 100 days as your Senator, I commit to file and advance common sense gun legislation that includes:

1) universal background checks, including components of existing federal proposals with a 10 day waiting period for response;

2) a ban on assault rifles and bump stocks; 

3) closing gun show / retail to owner transfers/owner to owner transfers;

4) red flag limitations providing access for loved ones and family members to petition to remove firearms from owners during periods of incapacitation;

5) more resources for a public service campaign for all public buildings including schools and universities to advance awareness and embodiment of the Sandy Hook Promise program;

6) resources and public safety programs for increasing manpower, surveillance/intelligence on domestic terrorism including increased cybercrime monitoring and tracking of manifestos of white nationalist organizations and their members; and

7) criminal justice reforms as it relates to prosecution and sentencing of domestic terrorists and serial killers. This reform should ensure that punishment is commensurate with the crime by including capital punishment in sentencing discussions for mass shooters.

I am sick of the empty rhetoric that surrounds this issue; We have to act!  Children are dying and the tears of mothers are met with inaction and political gamesmanship from Senator Thom Tillis and the like. 

I will work to make this country safer & you will always know where I stand as your Senator.

Thank you so much for your trust and support.  Please sign up on my website for all updates and news about our campaign!


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